How My Vegetable Garden is Growing

Here are some pictures of my tomatoes, squash and peppers among other things.campari-2014

These are my compari tomatoes given to me by a customer. Yummy.



A zucchini squash called Eight Ball Forty Niner, both are perfect for pots.


Unripe, Sweet Carernos and Speckled Roman, both striped tomatoes


This is a Giant Marconi that isn’t so giant…yet!

 sun-sugar juliet-first

This is Sun Sugar, a golden cherry tomato and Juliet, a grape shaped cherry. These are the first on the plants to ripen. The Sun Suagars are supposed to give Sungolds a run for their money. We will see. The Juliets are terrific, they have a “tomaotey” taste and thicked skin than most other cherries, which makes for a delightful pop when you bite into it. It also means they don’t split their skins when it rains.


My pride and joy, a Hale’s cantaloupe. It’s about the size of a football now and started veining. The first one I gott fruit from. I’m pretty sure it’s because it’s in the greenhouse where is hotter than blazes. That’s also why, there is something thing attacking it besides powdery mildew. Looks like rust. I must do some research on what the problem is.