The Tomato Lady Is Back!

Cherokee Carbon and Chocolate Cherry seedlings

 It’s been a while. I must apologize as I guess I am not as invincible as I thought. Just a little catch-up here – I finally got my permanent knee replacement after dealing with a temporary one for 10 months. Every step hurt. November 10th it was put in, just 2 days after Thanksgiving, my knee collapsed and I fell down, breaking my femur in two places! Who does that? I guess go big or go home, right? I have been walking with full weight for the last two weeks after two months of being confined to a recliner. That was tough. I made it and am doing that overachieving thing again. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be on my feet although it still hurts a bit, unused muscles and all.

Jalapeno “M”

I currently have over 350 varieties of tomatoes this year and over a hundred varieties of peppers. I have the elusive Cougar Reds this year, and then some. Last year I couldn’t find them in stock anywhere. 

Red and Pink Brandywine seedlings grown for the gallon pots.

I just finished planting seeds for the main crop this morning and already have 3000 plants almost ready to go into gallon pots in a couple of weeks. We switched to LED lights and are really impressed. The peppers look amazing, better than any that I sold last year!

February 20 Main crop of tomato seeds
Cougar Reds

I will be starting vegetables soon, including cauliflower and broccoli and have flowers going also. 

I have had to redo my website which means learning another software program. It’s taking a while. Keep on eye out for it plus my Facebook page. I will have more news there. Hoping to open mid-April. 

5 thoughts on “The Tomato Lady Is Back!

  1. Hi, how are you this cold winter? We are praying for your health. Are you going to offer plants this year? Thank you for growing for past years. Hope you are well. Doug & Cathie Gossard

    • Thank you for the prayers, it feels like that is all we ever do. We have a multitude of plants coming up under lights. Peppers and flowers. Thankfully, lots of jalapenos. Lots of flowers. I am trying to be really organized this year which is not my forte. I have my ducks in a row yet sometimes they fall off! I am starting some of the tomatoes this week, the ones for gallons. I am going to make a post sometime today or tomorrow showing a pic of what we have growing. I tell you, getting older makes it harder. fortunately, even, though I have a so-so day, I enjoy what I do.

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